Friday 7 October 2011

New Routine: Accomplished

Cliché Life Stuff: New Routine: Accomplished: Yes! I have a timetable again! You know what that means, blog fans.

Unfortunately, it's not the timetable you're used to. In fact, there's no point in doing the old fashioned "my day" blogs that I did back in Brooke. You know what? I'm going to make it my task to do that one more time. In fact, I could do it every Friday if I wanted to, because it's actually a full day, but shhh. It's just not the same.

So, because there's not really much to talk about throughout these lectures, let's just do the week's summary: 

Today we had our first Lectures. They weren't exciting. I basically learned that at some point in the "Studies in Media Technology" module I get to build a radio, which sounds awesome. Or I misheard. I'll go through the PowerPoint on blackboard soon to check that. Otherwise the only thing they really said was "WE HAVE TWITTER. USE TWITTER. DO IT NOW. TWEET US. HASHTAGS." And then every fifteen minutes or so the lecturer would say, "so has anyone tweeted the hashtag yet? Nope... oh well..." and he sounded genuinely disappointed. So that was fun. Tomorrow's going to be interesting, though.

Today has been interesting. On my way out of my flat I met up with Rachel without an a since she's on the same course and had the same timetabled lectures as I did today. So we walked to the Queens building and got into the computer lab where we had our first lab session, which was all about learning how to use Photoshop. Boy, have I got a cracker for you today. Since I'm proficient in the ways of Photoshop and can manage to log onto a computer without having to get my password changed by the admins I got through the tutorials in about ten minutes and so had an hour and a half to waste. I had photoshop and a load of pictures in front of me. What else was I going to do?

I know! One of the tutorials was about reducing red eye, and so I reduced it. And then I gave the dogs laser beams. I know! It's really cool, right? For a one and a half hour job, I don't think it's too bad. Trying to find good fire and smoke effect tutorials is a nightmare though. Anyway, after that we had another lecture about... stuff. We watched loads of videos and trailers and stuff made by students. It wasn't bad. Some of it was really poor. So yeah, that wraps that up. Uhh, then we had a flat meeting which was boring, and then I went to the Demon Media welcome event, where I learned about all the stuff they do. I'm going to be joining Demon TV and maybe dabble in a bit of Demon FM too. But seriously, it's all really cool. I get to make TV! I paid my £21 admission fee so I should now be receiving my application form via email, or I'll not be best pleased.

Today should really be a day off, but it isn't, so it still gets a mention. After meeting up with Katie with an ie and Rachel without an a this morning at 11ish we went to the Queens building and had a session in which we made blogs! I know! So now, I have a new blog called Cliché University Stuff where I guess I'll be putting all of my university stuff. Does that mean that I should put this post in there? Does this count as life stuff or uni stuff? Hmm... I could do it for both, I suppose. Give me a comment in the comments box with your thoughts.

Christ! You've heard the get up and go morning routine with Rachel without an a and Katie with an ie. But this morning, you'll never guess what. On my timetable it said "optional seminar" so I thought, "hmm... might be important. And it's not like I'm going on my lonesome so I'll go and check it out." We walked in, sat down, and then the session leader said, "So if you've got a grade B or higher in GCSE Maths, you probably don't need to be here. But you might want to stay because you haven't done it in a while." I have a grade B at GCSE Maths, and I haven't done any Maths since Year 11, so I thought, "I'm done here," and then I left. Time to reset my alarm to an hour later. Feels good. Anyway, I then met up with a few other of my coursemates who were discussing our photography assignment, so I decided to gather information with them. The topics are really vague like... blue and Leicester and leaves, but I'm going to have a good stab at it. Finally I'll have a chance to get my tripod out. Anyway, then we had a lecture about Maths. I wanted to die. Do you remember GCSE Maths? Yeah? Well go back a bit. Yeah, Year 9 Maths? I could've taught it better than he could. Mainly because you know who you should be teaching year 9 maths to? Yeah, year 9s. My only respite was the fact that the guys I was sitting next to were hilarious. A little while later on and we got a tour of the TV studios! Whoo! They're awesome. I have to go and live in the Queens building now. It's my new home. I can't fricking wait to use them. Even the tripods look amazing. They make my equipment look like amateur stuff. Okay, it is amateur stuff, but that's beside the point.

Friday has a 9:00 start and carries on until 17:00 with only a 1 hour break for lunch. I shouldn't really be complaining, but it's still a nuisance.

Eugh. Early. First lab session at 9. Sleep. This lab session was quite fun actually, because I learned something! I learned that I'm going to have to learn HTML coding! Fuck yes! I hate designing and making websites, purely because I just know that I'm not very good at it. I didn't do a half bad job of Zombie Plan's website, but that's because I just created pretty pictures and Westie coded it. Pretty sure I can't get away with that now. Anyway, one of the tasks in this lab session was to make up an imaginary friend who would then in turn have their own website which details them. Did I take it seriously? Of course I took it seriously. Sir Robert Elmar George Whiting Nightowl the Third will have a glorious website detailing him and his hobby of setting fire to OAPs. I love free reign. Anyway, I'm on my break right now and so I haven't finished the entire day yet. Still a while to go. Oh my god the rest of the day was boring. Like, beyond boring. We had a one and a half hour lecture about fucking XHTML, the one thing I couldn't care less about. I'm here to make videos, not code shit. Dukey and Westie code shit. That's what they're paid to do. I'm paying the university to teach me how to become the best damn director that this world ever did see. Eugh. Why I need lectures on it I do not know. Anyway, we got a brief respite because no one can harp on about XHTML and CSS and the module outline for more than an hour, so then I was outside talking with Rachel without an a and a couple of my other coursemates whose names I can't remember, but they are some of my favourites. Funny that. Anyway, Rachel was worried because she'd swallowed a bit of gum, and bless her she's a bit thick so she thought she was going to die or something. At least we made her think that before we told her the truth. Haha, fun. Anyway, I then did two hours of maths. I've never done so many maths problems in one stint before. It wasn't even difficult. Eugh, I can see Fridays dragging on a bit.

Anyway, that was my first week. I don't know if I'm going to continue this trend of updating every week. Perhaps from now on I'll just blog the interesting things that happen in labs and lectures. Yeah!

(It's a reblog. How cool is this? Click on the link to go to the original post.)

1 comment:

  1. All right, since you're going to have to learn XHTML and CSS, here is a hint for you:


    Once you learn it, you're going to be stuck inside your room day and night - and one night, you'll become so annoyed at the tag soup, that you'll want to commit suicide. TAKE MY WARNING SERIOUSLY.

