Friday 27 January 2012

Social Networking at its Finest

So I was trying to catch a train home, and in keeping with Britain's inability to run a train network as good as Germany's, I first caught the wrong train which, although travels through my town and station, doesn't stop near me, and then when I got off at a station that I could get off, the train I was supposed to use was delayed. I was a tad bit annoyed, especially because they've upped the price of the tickets, only to give me less frequent journeys.

In any case, I was at Market Harborough station, annoyingly only ten minutes away from Kettering, but yet had to wait forty minutes until the train arrived. Anyway, soon a guy joined me, and to his luck he had been trying to travel from somewhere just north of Leicester, but it had taken him two hours to just reach Market Harborough because he had been through two whole hours of delays.

Throughout our conversation, I noticed him tapping away at his pathetic excuse for a smartphone (that new stupid Blackberry), and he soon revealed that he was complaining about his awful two hour journey to Market Harborough using Twitter. Not only was he just complaining, but he was also complaining to East Midlands Trains by using their hash-whatsit.

As much as I despise Twitter, I thought this was genius. I was thinking about complaining about the crappy service that East Midlands Trains now suddenly provide because they've decided to make my trains run every hour instead of every half hour, but this guy was on the ball. He was complaining in real time, which is the absolute wonder of social networking.

Anyway, just wanted to share that with you.

Pete out.

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