Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Studentship Review

Okay, so this week's task was to review the style of the studentship tasks done in that presentation style, and then usually tested on it with an online test.

Overall, I liked this style of studentship task. I felt like I was learning, but at the same time not putting hours of my time into it. The online test was a good way to reinforce this knowledge, and made me feel like I had actually taken the information in, which doesn't generally happen very well when trying to skim large books.

I do like the layout of it; it gives a clear manner in which to view the important information and is usually bullet-pointed. What I occasionally dislike about this layout is when text is included as pictures. Unless used as part of a diagram (and therefore necessary) this text is sometimes hard to read and doesn't suit the flow of the page.

I also dislike when the presentation tries to engage the reader by asking questions, but lists the answer beneath the question so there's no room for thinking. And by having multiple answers listed on the page, the wrong answer can become embedded in a reader's mind. For example (this hasn't been included in one of these presentations, but details my point) a question could ask:

What does the term 'DVD' stand for?
 - Digital Versatile Disc
 - Digital Video Disc

Logically, the answer would be the second one because DVDs were released onto the market as a new way to play back videos, but yet the first answer is the correct one. It can leave the reader second-guessing themselves, whereas if the second answer were not included on the page at all, and instead the words "The term 'DVD' stands for Digital Versatile Disc" then there is no confusion.

Either way, I do like the style of these studentship tasks and I definitely do think they should continue for the future years, so long as those annoying in-presentation-questions are sorted out.

I do hope this has been informative.

Pete out.

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